Ready-to-Run Software, Inc

Ready-to-Run Software, Inc

Microsoft FrontPage
RTR FrontPage Server Extensions for:
Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2
Microsoft Windows 7
Microsoft Windows Server 2012
Microsoft Windows 8
Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2

Common RTR FrontPage® Server Extensions 2002 for IIS 8.5, IIS 8 and IIS 7.5 license messages


  • Error: FPSE license server error: No license for product(-1)
    • Cause: The license file on the IIS RTR FrontPage Server Extensions machine is missing. This is a required file.
    • Suggestion: This file is created during the installation of the RTR FrontPage Server Extensions.
    • In a 64 bit operating system, the file is located in c:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\50\rtrfpse.lic
    • In a 32 bit operating system, the file is located in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\50\rtrfpse.lic
    • Please refer to Step 10 on page for information about setting up this file.
  • Error: FPSE license server error: Wrong host for license (-4)
    • Hosted license Cause: This error occurs when the IP address recorded for the license differs from that reported by the machine running the RTR FPSE
    • Suggestion: The RTR license server needs to know the IP address of the RTR FPSE machine as reported by ipconfig, not a public IP address used to access the machine through a firewall, load balancer or other device.
      • Please open a command window and run ipconfig/all - and send us the local IP address or output from that command
      • Once we have the correct IP address, we will happily update your license.
  • Error: FPSE license server error: Communications error with license server (-17)
    • Floating license Cause: The RTR License Server (rlm.exe) is not running.
    • Suggestion: Go to the machine where the RTR License Server program (rlm.exe) is located and start it.  You will find additional information about the RTR License Server at .
    • Hosted license Cause: The RTR FPSE cannot communicate with the RTR Hosted License Server.
    • Suggestion: The license server uses the following TCP ports:
      • 5053 - RLM license server main port. This must be visible to the machine running the RTR FPSE.
      • 5052 - RLM license server FPSE port. This must be visible to the machine running the RTR FPSE.
    • Verify that the RTR FPSE can communicate with the RTR Hosted License server using the following commands.
      • telnet 5052
      • telnet 5053
  • Error: FPSE license server error: License server does not support this product (-18)


  • Error: FPSE license server error: RTR FPSE license password is invalid or expired (-18)
    • Cause 01: Your license and password files are incorrect or in the wrong place.
    • Cause 02: The IP address of your machine doesn't match the IP address of your license.
    • Cause 03: Your hosted license has expired. Please note that hosted evaluation licenses can be renewed by going to and requesting the evaluation license again.
    • Suggestion: Please read these notes and make sure that you have everything configured as described here.
      The Hosted license requires a password file (rtr_fpse.pwd) and 4 license files (rtrfpse.lic, rtrfpseFail2.lic, rtrfpseFail3.lic and rtrfpseFail5.lic) on your server.
      You should have received an email with an attached password file; this email was sent to the address you used during PayPal checkout.  Save a copy of the attached password file into the c:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\50\ directory (the same directory as rtrfpse.lic).
      • You must save the password file using the name from the attachment (rtr_fpse.pwd). The important thing is to put your password file with the same name onto your machine in the c:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\50\ directory (the same directory as rtrfpse.lic).
      • If you misplace the password file from the email:, you can visit the Password Retrieval page, enter your email address, click "Request Password", then copy the password into a rtr_fpse.pwd file on your machine in the c:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\50\ directory (the same directory as rtrfpse.lic).
      • Start a notepad and edit the file c:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\50\rtrfpse.lic
        • Remove any text from the file
        • Enter the following line and then SAVE and Close the file:
          • SERVER ISV rtr port=5052
      • Start a notepad and edit a new  file c:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\50\rtrfpseFail2.lic
        • Remove any text from the file
        • Enter the following line and then SAVE and Close the file:
          • SERVER ISV rtr port=5052
      • Start a notepad and edit a new file c:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\50\rtrfpseFail3.lic
        • Remove any text from the file
        • Enter the following line and then SAVE and Close the file:
          • SERVER ISV rtr port=5052
      • Start a notepad and edit a new file c:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\50\rtrfpseFail5.lic
        • Remove any text from the file
        • Enter the following line and then SAVE and Close the file:
          • SERVER ISV rtr port=5052


  • Error: FPSE license server error: Communications error with license server (-22)
    • Cause: All licenses are currently checked out. This may be due to having multiple servers attempting to check out licenses when all licenses are currently in use or after rebooting your server and attempting to check out licenses prior to the license time out period of 4 minutes
    • Suggestion: If you have rebooted your server with licenses checked out, try again after a 4 minute time period.
  • Error: FPSE license server error: Bad server hostname in license file or port@host (-43)
    • Cause: The license file on the IIS RTR FrontPage Server Extensions machine is not configured correctly.
    • Suggestion - Floating License:
      • Please refer to Step 10 on page for information about setting up this file
    • Suggestion - Hosted License:
      • Start a notepad and edit the file c:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\50\rtrfpse.lic
        • Remove any text from the file
        • Enter the following line and then SAVE and Close the file:
          • SERVER ISV rtr port=5052
      • Start a notepad and edit a new  file c:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\50\rtrfpseFail2.lic
        • Remove any text from the file
        • Enter the following line and then SAVE and Close the file:
          • SERVER ISV rtr port=5052
      • Start a notepad and edit a new  file c:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\50\rtrfpseFail3.lic
        • Remove any text from the file
        • Enter the following line and then SAVE and Close the file:
          • SERVER ISV rtr port=5052
      • Start a notepad and edit a new file c:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\50\rtrfpseFail5.lic
        • Remove any text from the file
        • Enter the following line and then SAVE and Close the file:
          • SERVER ISV rtr port=5052
Microsoft, FrontPage, Expression Web, Visual Studio, Office XP, Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows 8,  Windows Server 2008 R2 and Windows 7 are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the U. S. A. and/or other Countries. Other product and company names mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners.

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